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10 Ways to Reduce Stress

Exercise may not be the most exciting word in your vocabulary, but it sure has a lot of benefits.

Participating in daily exercise not only makes us healthier in general, it can diminish the effects of stress on our bodies. How many times have you heard someone proclaim, “The doctor says it’s stress?" The truth of the matter is that too much stress plays a role in many diseases.

Stress affects the whole person - body, mind, feelings, and behavior, and just as symptoms can take many forms, so can stress. Here are a few simple actions that you can do to relieve these symptoms.

1. Learn to Relax

Imagine… having relief on tap - something you could experience whenever you need it. Something that would remove all the stress from your body and return the sparkle to your mind. How would you feel if you could wake up tomorrow feeling in control? Well happily you are blessed with a really powerful tool that can remove stress instantly - your body's relaxation response. “ JUST BE STILL” There is such a richness in being still.

2. Take Action on Stress

Procrastination is itself a cause of stress, simply making a conscious decision to act upon your situation will bring you, such a sense of relief that this unpleasant situation is going to change. You will immediately start to feel some benefit. Eliminate procrastination from your life. Don’t put things off until tomorrow, do them today. Create a “DO IT NOW” mentality.

3. Speak to someone

A problem shared is a problem cut in half, it’s good to talk. Talking it over with a friend or someone who is willing to listen, who won’t judge or impose their will. Most times this will help to de-clutter the mind, get clarity and help you take the appropriate action to relieve stress. If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone at first, then write a letter to yourself or to someone else, without posting it, but find a means of getting your true thoughts and feelings down on paper. You can then destroy it if you wish; it’s a form of release, which you can then follow up with a plan to resolve your issues.

4. Change the Dynamic of your Situation

Don’t be afraid to say NO! If you can learn how to be more assertive, you are more likely to have choices and this will enable you to say what you think and act how you want. Give yourself choices, change the stress factors that you can and strengthen your ability to cope with ones that you cannot change. Be creative, find compromises. Reframe problems and look for solutions that create win-win outcomes.

5. Time Management

Time management allows you to plan and organize your life to give yourself more space and opportunity. It involves planning, delegating, setting goals and not wasting any time doing unnecessary things or worrying about things over which you have no control. Be Organized. Prepare for the coming day the night before.

Don’t rely on your memory - it’s the first thing to go when you’re stressed.

Write down appointments, to-do lists, directions and shopping lists. Create order out of chaos. Plan your day to give you time to eat and relax afterwards, it will aid your digestion (peptic ulcers aren’t fun). Give yourself more time to do things so that you are not pressured. Get up a little earlier, leave a little earlier for appointments. Do one thing at a time and do it well, focus on the job at hand and forget everything else you have to do. Finally, schedule personal time every day; a private moment for peace, quiet and contemplation.

6. Life Management

Have an optimistic view of the world. Life only comes once, it's quite short and you have to appreciate what's good in it. See things from a relaxed viewpoint. Learn to live one day at a time and take each day as you find it.

My motto “yesterday is a canceled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, BUT today is useable currency” Enjoy the moments!

7. Exercise

Don’t ignore the mental and emotional aspect of exercise. Giving yourself time out to do something fun simply makes you feel good, so if you’re feeling stressed and unsure about whether to exercise or not, simply remind yourself of how you are going to feel afterwards.

8. Get Healthy

Food is a celebration of life, it’s not just fuel. Take time to enjoy your meals and look after your health by eating a sensible balanced meal plan. If you need to, create healthy eating habits. Eat breakfast to kick-start your day, lay off the coffee and tea (the caffeine doesn’t help you to relax) and if you’re smoking more to help you calm down - they’re bad for you cut them out. You’ll feel better, believe me.

9. Go to sleep

Take a hot bath in the evening to relieve the tension in your body before going to bed and ensure that you get enough sleep. This is essential. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed with more energy and able to function better throughout the day.

10. Remember to Enjoy Life!

Take time to do something that you enjoy. Start today!

Candice Camille is The Wellologist for more tips follow her at

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